154 research outputs found

    Wound Healing Activity of Nanoclay/Spring Water Hydrogels

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    This project was supported by an FPU grant (MECD), the Spanish research group CTS-946 and the program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada). Special thanks to the Department of Drug Sciences of the University of Pavia (Italy).Background: hydrogels prepared with natural inorganic excipients and spring waters are commonly used in medical hydrology. Design of these clay-based formulations continues to be a field scarcely addressed. Safety and wound healing properties of different fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels were addressed. Methods: in vitro biocompatibility, by means of MTT assay, and wound healing properties were studied. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy was used to study the morphology of fibroblasts during the wound healing process. Results: all the ingredients demonstrated to be biocompatible towards fibroblasts. Particularly, the formulation of nanoclays as hydrogels improved biocompatibility with respect to powder samples at the same concentration. Spring waters and hydrogels were even able to promote in vitro fibroblasts motility and, therefore, accelerate wound healing with respect to the control. Conclusion: fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels proved to be skin-biocompatible and to possess a high potential as wound healing formulations. Moreover, these results open new prospects for these ingredients to be used in new therapeutic or cosmetic formulations.German Research Foundation (DFG)Spanish research group CTS-946Program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada

    Pajarraco's Pajarería. Portal web de consulta y venta de aves

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación web que sea capaz de satisfacer las necesidades de una empresa de venta de pájaros y productos para pájaros. La aplicación no sólo cumplirá las funciones de una tienda online sino que además ofrecerá una serie de utilidades para la propia gestión de la empresa. La aplicación se ha desarrollado mayoritariamente con tecnologías OpenSource (MySql de Oracle, IBM Websphere Studio y Java) que no requieren de pago de una licencia para poder utilizarlas.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió

    Antioxidant Efficacy and “In Vivo” Safety of a Bentonite/Vitamin C Hybrid

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    The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https: //www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/pharmaceutics15041171/s1, S1: LAA/smectites systems: critical revision; S2: Ophthalmic irritability; S3: Acute dermal toxicity.L-ascorbic acid (LAA), commonly known as vitamin C, is an excellent and recognized antioxidant molecule used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations. Several strategies have been developed in order to preserve its chemical stability, connected with its antioxidant power, but there is little research regarding the employment of natural clays as LAA host. A safe bentonite (Bent)—which was verified by in vivo ophthalmic irritability and acute dermal toxicity assays—was used as carrier of LAA. The supramolecular complex between LAA and clay may constitute an excellent alternative, since the molecule integrity does not seem to be affected, at least from the point of view of its antioxidant capacity. The Bent/LAA hybrid was prepared and characterized through ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and zeta potential measurements. Photostability and antioxidant capacity tests were also performed. The LAA incorporation into Bent clay was demonstrated, as well as the drug stability due to the Bent photoprotective effect onto the LAA molecule. Moreover, the antioxidant capacity of the drug in the Bent/LAA composite was confirmed.France Embassy in CubaErasmus+ scholarshipTWAS 00-360 RG/CHE/LA, 07-016 RG/CHE/LAPN211LH008-027, PN223LH010-01

    Hybrid Lipid/Clay Carrier Systems Containing Annatto Oil for Topical Formulations

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    Financial support for this research was provided by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher-Level Personnel-Brazil (CAPES)-02817/09. RMB and FNR acknowledge fellowships from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq (Brazil). This research also was financially supported by Junta de Andalucia, under the project reference PT18 RT 3786.Nanocomposites formed by clay and lipid carriers (NLCs) show a high potential for providing controlled release and specific delivery of bioactive molecules and have recently gained attention in the pharmaceutical sector due to their ability to transport hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. Recent studies have recognized the biological activity of the oil of Bixa orellana L. (AO) with regards to its healing, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-leishmanial properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the preparation and characterization of hybrid systems based on lipid nanocarriers and laponite for the delivery of AO. NLCs were prepared by the fusion-emulsification method, using cetyl palmitate (CP) or myristyl myristate (MM), AO, and Poloxamer 188. The morphology, hydrodynamic diameters, zeta potential (ZP), polydispersity index (PDI), thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), viscosity behavior, and cytotoxicity testing of the hybrid systems were performed. The thermal study and X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) revealed polymorphic structural changes compatible with the amorphization of the material. Rheological assays highlighted a typical pseudoplastic behavior in all systems (MM and CP with LAP). The hybrid systems’ morphology, size diameters, and PDIs were similar, preset spherical and monodisperse structures ( 200 nm; <0.3), without significant change up to sixty days. The ZP values differed from each other, becoming higher with increasing AO concentration. XEDS spectra and elemental X-ray maps show peaks of lipids (organic components, C and O) and inorganic components O, Mg, and Si. All samples showed cell viability above 60%. The results indicated a stable, biocompatible hybrid system that can be an alternative for topical application.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) 02817/09Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPQ)Junta de Andalucia PT18 RT 378

    Consumo de Medios Masivos de Comunicación en Estudiantes Universitarios de Manizales.

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    Objetivo. Caracterizar el consumo de medios masivos de comunicación en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Manizales en el año 2008, con el fin de generar programas de promoción y prevención que permitan mejorar los estilos de vida de los jóvenes. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo, población 13.247 estudiantes.  Muestreo probabilístico con nivel de confianza del 95% y margen de error del 5%. La muestra, 307 estudiantes. Resultados. El 53,4% lee revistas, el 58,3% diarios y periódicos, el 93% ve televisión, el 89,5% se conecta a Internet y el 67,4% escucha radio. Los temas que más han visto, leído o escuchado son violencia, entretenimiento y política. Los temas relacionados con salud que vieron, leyeron o escucharon recientemente son: entretenimiento y lítica Los temas relacionados con salud que vieron, leyeron o escucharon recientemente son;  maltrato infantil, comer frutas 62% y uso del condón 58,9%. Las fuentes que generan mayor confianza para consultar sobre salud general son: medico, familiares e Internet; y acerca de salud sexual son: médicos, amigos e Internet. Los amigos son la fuente de la que reciben más información sobre salud sexual, consumo de tabaco, psicoactivos, alcohol y alimentación; sobre salud oral es la familia. El 34,6% recuerda algún mensaje relacionado con salud y el 39,8% considera que no tienen efecto sobre su estilo de vida. Conclusiones. Los estudiantes de salud y comunicación representan el grupo que más se expone a televisión, Internet, radio y presa. Usan la información de los medios para entretenerse y acceder a temas de actualidad. La información relacionada con salud que más recuerdan tiene que ver con violencia, salud sexual y dieta saludable, esta es usada en alguna medida para la modificación de estilos de vida. Objective: the characterization of the use of mass media by university students in Manizales during 2008, in order to generate programs of media promotion and prevention to help improve young people´s lifestyle. Methodology: it is a descriptive study with a 13,247 student population. Probability sampling with a confidence level of 95% and a 5% margin of error was used, involving 307 students. Results: 53,4% of the students real magazines, 58,3% read newspapers and periodicals, 93% watch television, 89,5% surf the Internet and 67,4% listen to the radio. The most viewed, read or listened to subjects involve violence, entertainment and politics. Health related issues recently viewed, real about or listened to involve child abuse 68%, eating fruits 62% and use of condoms 58,9%. Consulted sources that generated the greatest confidence on general health matters: doctors, family and the Internet; on sexual health matters, sources that generated the greatest confidence were doctors, friends and the Internet. Friends were the most consulted sources on matters involving sexual health, tobacco use, psychoactive drug, alcohol and food. The family was the most frequently consulted source concerning oral health. Of the participants, 34,6% recalled accessing information related to health, of which 39,8% considered such information irrelevant to their lifestyle. Conclusions. Health and communication students represent the biggest group exposed to television, Internet, radio and the press. They use such media information for entertainment and to be informed on current events. The health-related information they most recall involves violence, sexual health and health diets, which is, to some extent, used to modify their lifestyles.Objetivo: caracterizar o consumo de médios massivos de comunicação em estudantes universitários da cidade de Manizales no ano de 2008, com o fim de gerar programas de promoção e prevenção que permitam melhorar os estilos de vida dos jovens. Metodologia: pesquisa descritiva, povoação 13.247 estudantes. Amostragem probabilística com nível de confiança do 95% e margem de erro do 5%; A mostra, 307 estudantes. Resultados: o 53,4% Le revistas, 0 58,3% diários e jornais, o 93% vê televisão, o 89,5% conecta se a Internet o 67,% escuta radio. Os temas que mais tem visto, lido o escutados ao violência, entretenimento e politica. Os temas relacionados com saúde que viram, leram ou ouviram recentemente são; maltrato infantis 68%, comer frutas 62% e uso da camisinha 59,9%. As fontes que geram maior confiança para consultar sobre saúde geral são: médicos, familiares i Internet; a acerca de saúde sexual são: médicos, amigos e Internet. Os amigos são fonte da que recebem mais informação sobre saúde sexual, consumo de tabaco, psicoativos, álcool e alimentação, sobre saúde oral e a família. O 34,56% lembra algum mensagem relacionado com saúde e o 39,8% considera que não tem efeito sobre seu estilo de vida. Conclusões: Os estudantes de saúde e comunicação representam u grupo de mais se expõe a televisão, Internet, radio e jornais. Usam a informação dos médios para entretenimento e acender a temas de atualidade. A informação relacionada com saúde que mais lembram tem que ver com violência, saúde sexual e dieta saudável  esta é usada em alguma media para modificação de estilos de vida.Objetivo. Caracterizar el consumo de medios masivos de comunicación en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Manizales en el año 2008, con el fin de generar programas de promoción y prevención que permitan mejorar los estilos de vida de los jóvenes. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo, población 13.247 estudiantes.  Muestreo probabilístico con nivel de confianza del 95% y margen de error del 5%. La muestra, 307 estudiantes. Resultados. El 53,4% lee revistas, el 58,3% diarios y periódicos, el 93% ve televisión, el 89,5% se conecta a Internet y el 67,4% escucha radio. Los temas que más han visto, leído o escuchado son violencia, entretenimiento y política. Los temas relacionados con salud que vieron, leyeron o escucharon recientemente son: entretenimiento y lítica Los temas relacionados con salud que vieron, leyeron o escucharon recientemente son;  maltrato infantil, comer frutas 62% y uso del condón 58,9%. Las fuentes que generan mayor confianza para consultar sobre salud general son: medico, familiares e Internet; y acerca de salud sexual son: médicos, amigos e Internet. Los amigos son la fuente de la que reciben más información sobre salud sexual, consumo de tabaco, psicoactivos, alcohol y alimentación; sobre salud oral es la familia. El 34,6% recuerda algún mensaje relacionado con salud y el 39,8% considera que no tienen efecto sobre su estilo de vida. Conclusiones. Los estudiantes de salud y comunicación representan el grupo que más se expone a televisión, Internet, radio y presa. Usan la información de los medios para entretenerse y acceder a temas de actualidad. La información relacionada con salud que más recuerdan tiene que ver con violencia, salud sexual y dieta saludable, esta es usada en alguna medida para la modificación de estilos de vida. Objective: the characterization of the use of mass media by university students in Manizales during 2008, in order to generate programs of media promotion and prevention to help improve young people´s lifestyle. Methodology: it is a descriptive study with a 13,247 student population. Probability sampling with a confidence level of 95% and a 5% margin of error was used, involving 307 students. Results: 53,4% of the students real magazines, 58,3% read newspapers and periodicals, 93% watch television, 89,5% surf the Internet and 67,4% listen to the radio. The most viewed, read or listened to subjects involve violence, entertainment and politics. Health related issues recently viewed, real about or listened to involve child abuse 68%, eating fruits 62% and use of condoms 58,9%. Consulted sources that generated the greatest confidence on general health matters: doctors, family and the Internet; on sexual health matters, sources that generated the greatest confidence were doctors, friends and the Internet. Friends were the most consulted sources on matters involving sexual health, tobacco use, psychoactive drug, alcohol and food. The family was the most frequently consulted source concerning oral health. Of the participants, 34,6% recalled accessing information related to health, of which 39,8% considered such information irrelevant to their lifestyle. Conclusions. Health and communication students represent the biggest group exposed to television, Internet, radio and the press. They use such media information for entertainment and to be informed on current events. The health-related information they most recall involves violence, sexual health and health diets, which is, to some extent, used to modify their lifestyles.Objetivo: caracterizar o consumo de médios massivos de comunicação em estudantes universitários da cidade de Manizales no ano de 2008, com o fim de gerar programas de promoção e prevenção que permitam melhorar os estilos de vida dos jovens. Metodologia: pesquisa descritiva, povoação 13.247 estudantes. Amostragem probabilística com nível de confiança do 95% e margem de erro do 5%; A mostra, 307 estudantes. Resultados: o 53,4% Le revistas, 0 58,3% diários e jornais, o 93% vê televisão, o 89,5% conecta se a Internet o 67,% escuta radio. Os temas que mais tem visto, lido o escutados ao violência, entretenimento e politica. Os temas relacionados com saúde que viram, leram ou ouviram recentemente são; maltrato infantis 68%, comer frutas 62% e uso da camisinha 59,9%. As fontes que geram maior confiança para consultar sobre saúde geral são: médicos, familiares i Internet; a acerca de saúde sexual são: médicos, amigos e Internet. Os amigos são fonte da que recebem mais informação sobre saúde sexual, consumo de tabaco, psicoativos, álcool e alimentação, sobre saúde oral e a família. O 34,56% lembra algum mensagem relacionado com saúde e o 39,8% considera que não tem efeito sobre seu estilo de vida. Conclusões: Os estudantes de saúde e comunicação representam u grupo de mais se expõe a televisão, Internet, radio e jornais. Usam a informação dos médios para entretenimento e acender a temas de atualidade. A informação relacionada com saúde que mais lembram tem que ver com violência, saúde sexual e dieta saudável  esta é usada em alguma media para modificação de estilos de vida

    Asignación de trabajos según el género. Percepción en estudiantes de secundaria en la región de Murcia

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    En esta investigación se ha realizado un análisis descriptivo de la percepción de los estudiantes de secundaria, respecto a la ocupación de puestos de trabajo, según el género. El estudio se realizó en dos centros rurales de la Región de Murcia y con un tamaño muestral de 116 estudiantes, con una media de edad de 15 años. Para ello se ha utilizado un cuestionario de elaboración propia extrayendo las profesiones del Real Decreto 1837/2008 (Directiva 2005/36/CE). El procesamiento de los datos se realizó mediante una tabla de frecuencias y un cruce de variables utilizando el estadístico de contraste Chi-cuadrado de Pearson. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que existen diferencias de categorización respecto al género dentro en las distintas ocupaciones profesionalesIn this research, a descriptive analysis of the perception of high school students regarding job occupation, according to gender, has been carried out. The study was carried out in two rural high schools of the Region of Murcia and with a sample size of 116 students, with an average age of 15 years. To this end, a self-created questionnaire has been used from the professions of Royal Decree 1837/2008 (Directive 2005/36 / CE). The data was processed using a frequency grid and a crossover of variables using the Pearson Chi-square contrast statistic. The results obtained show that there are differences in the categorization of gender in different professional occupation

    Lifelong Learning from Sustainable Education: An Analysis with Eye Tracking and Data Mining Techniques

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    The use of learning environments that apply Advanced Learning Technologies (ALTs) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is increasingly frequent. In this study, eye-tracking technology was used to analyze scan-path differences in a History of Art learning task. The study involved 36 participants (students versus university teachers with and without previous knowledge). The scan-paths were registered during the viewing of video based on SRL. Subsequently, the participants were asked to solve a crossword puzzle, and relevant vs. non-relevant Areas of Interest (AOI) were defined. Conventional statistical techniques (ANCOVA) and data mining techniques (string-edit methods and k-means clustering) were applied. The former only detected differences for the crossword puzzle. However, the latter, with the Uniform Distance model, detected the participants with the most effective scan-path. The use of this technique successfully predicted 64.9% of the variance in learning results. The contribution of this study is to analyze the teaching–learning process with resources that allow a personalized response to each learner, understanding education as a right throughout life from a sustainable perspective.uropean Project “Self-Regulated Learning in SmartArt” 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615 and the Research Funding Program (Funding of dissemination of research results, 2020) of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Burgos to the Recognized Investigation Group DATAHES